Monday, September 3, 2007

The Little Mermaid

Thursday we got to go to a VIP night at the Denver Performing Arts Center. Cadillac sponsored the evening. Whitney got four tickets for a fancy dinner and second row seats to see a performance of Disney's the Little Mermaid. She took Dan and I and Lindsey Dorrenbacher with her. The musical was absolutely amazing! The effects were incredible. They are taking this very production to Broadway. After, we got to go backstage and meet Ariel. She is a native Colorado girl who was in the Colorado Children's Choir and has made it big. Isn't she neat?! We didn't get home until 1:00 a.m. Dan even liked it and I think he would go to another one as long as it was something fun and light like this one. It sure has been fun to be an Ambassador. She gets to help with the Grand Opening of Children's new hospital on Sept. 11.

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