Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fun at the Lake

What a great time! Too bad everyone is growing up so fast and we don't get to do this as much.

Whitney's First Day of 4th Grade

Like always Whitney loves school. She couldn't sleep last night she was so excited. Of course she wore a dress today with clickle shoes. She has Mrs. Measles the same teacher she had in second grade so she was thrilled. She decided not to take bologna for snack the first day so Mrs. Measles wouldn't "freak out". Maybe tomorrow.

Mikayla's First Day of School

Mikayla's first day of Jr. High went very well. She seems to like it. Volleyball went well but she says she is really out of shape! She is even wearing some eye makeup.

Ro's First Day of School

Rochelle's first day of school was Thursday, August 23. She says she doesn't like school, but I think she does

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Rochelle's Vacation

Rochelle's vacation consisted of lots of softball. We were in the same city although we didn't see much of her. Her team didn't play as well as she would have liked but it was a great experience and she had a ton of fun. She met some neat girls and made some new friends. Shopping the Boulder way is different than the Boyce way that is for sure!!

Mom, Mikayla and Whitney on Vacation

We enjoyed a vacation to Phoenix, AZ at the end of July. I know that is a dumb time to go but Rochelle got to play softball in the USSSA World Series with a team from Boulder, CO. We stayed with my high school friend Sheri. It was relaxing and believe it or not it wasn't all that hot. We hit the monsoon season so it rained and was overcast. Mikayla and Whitney got to swim and swim in Sheri's pool. We went to Tuscon one day for a tour of the Pima Air and Space Museum. Dan and I would like to go back, we did not have enough time. That place is incredible.

Dan and girls

Dan went with us on our vacation. He scared Whitney with his trip way out to the edge of one point at the Grand Canyon. He enjoyed Sheri's pool too. They even swam when it was raining. We met my cousin David Wayne for dinner one evening. That was fun to visit with him about his job at the nuclear power plant. Dan didn't think there was anyone who could talk more than Whitney!